Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Sunday, October 08, 2006

God As Not-other V. the Big Bang and Evolutionary Theories and the Theology of Deism

When Not-other is used to signify God, Not-other is seen by Nicholas of Cusa as the origin of all ‘other’ things in the universe. The ‘other’ things exist eternally and cease only if Not-other ceases. Since this God is infinite and is not an 'other' thing, there is no reason for an infinite God to cease.

Not-other can be compared with the God of deism. Its God also originates all ‘other’ things in the universe. But, after originating these things, this God becomes inactive. Thus, the ‘other’ created things exist only temporarily.

Not-other can also be compared with the Big Bang theory in which all ‘other’ things are originated by an ‘other’ thing called a physical particle. These ‘other’ things also exist only temporarily because the physical particle was energized only with a finite amount of energy.

Finally, Not-other can be compared with Darwin’s evolutionary theory in which the origin of ‘other’ living things is originated by ‘other’ living things called ancestors. These ‘other’ living things said to be originated by ‘other’ nonliving things that are originated by the Big Bang physical particle. Since the amount of energy for all ‘other’ living things is limited, they also exist only temporarily.

As seen, Not-other is the only God who can originate all ‘other’ things and maintain them eternally. It is thus clear that today’s politicians are not leading their people to the truth properly. And it is also clear that religions are also not leading their people to the truth properly. Only Jesus Christ and some Christians are leading people properly to the truth.

Note. I do not compare God as Not-other with the religious teaching that the universe ends so that God can judge people and place them either into Heaven or Hell. I view this teaching as a poor ancient interpretation of the Bible in Matthew, Chapter 24. This teaching is inappropriate under an infinite God. Heaven and Hell merely signify the status of the development of our consciousness.


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