Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Returning to the Freedom That God Gave to All Humans

In the last two blogs, I show that all people in the world are divided by an economic spiritual sword. This dividing sword is the same kind of sword that Jesus Christ used to divide His audiences into believers and nonbelievers. The economic spiritual sword also divides people into believers and nonbelievers. This sword was formed naturally by our minds and is the American System and the British System (of economics). The American System creates believers and is based on the godly principle ‘that all men are created equal.’ This principle is found in the Declaration of Independence. The British System creates nonbelievers and is based on the principle ‘that all men are created with equal choices.’ This principle was created by the economists of the British System. These two principles have different meanings and produce different results because the equal choice principle divides the people of a nation into classes such as poor V. rich, unsocial V. social, uneducated V. educated, criminal V. noncriminal, nonbelievers V. believers, . . . , etc.

If people want to achieve the freedom that is natural to all men, people must recognize that man’s true freedom comes only from God. Once this truth is recognized, the people might want to consider the following seven necessary actions. One, they need to declare their independence, as the USA colonists did, and make this declaration the highest law of the nation. Two, they need to create a single worldwide political party. This could be the ‘Union Party.’ Three, they need to replace the British System of economics with the American System of economics, which improves continually. Four, they need to develop a Declaration of Human Rights, which is based on scientific proofs rather than arbitrariness. Five, they need to elect many scientists into the legislative branch of government who can seek these scientific proofs. Six, they need to develop national goals that apply to all people. And seven, all land needs to become something being governed and properly utilized, rather than something owned.


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