Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The First Scientific Proof of God: Is Named a God- Honored Book in January 2007 by The Christian Courier, a Widely-read Newspaper in Wisconsin

The following words are found on page 9 of the January 2007 issue of The Christian Courier of Milwaukee, WI

"In the past, human life has been guided by many opinions and insufficient truths. This history of the development of human knowledge is why all governments, including governments of free nations, can legislate arbitrary laws and serve special interest groups. However, this history will change now that God has been proven scientifically.

A scientific proof of God has political power because people and governments can no longer deny God and His creation of the universe. Thus, human life and governmental activities of the past must become consistent with God's wisdom, His infinite power, and His creation. However, this consistency cannot be achieved in isolation. It can be achieved only through common languages that express the same truths about God and His creation. Different cultures and their governments must thus become unified and very friendly."

The Christian Courier, a non-denominational publisher, has survived the rising costs of publishing and is in its 30th year of operation. But, I like its great coverage of many fields of thought. This coverage is important today because religions can no longer avoid their involvement in the affairs of other fields of thought. The teachings of Jesus Christ, for instance, are much broader than most people realize. For this reason, I discus the teachings of Jesus quite differently. But, the coverage of The Christian Courier is important for three other reasons. One is the expanding wars, terrorism, and international conflicts. The second is the involvement of religions in them. And, the third is the rising forces of atheism in the USA. My book is ready to defend Christianity against all of these forces. In fact, there is no reason not to believe that Christianity will become the last and only religion that will survive such clashes of this century.

See this January issue and other issues of Christian Courier online. Click.


  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Admin.

    Where in the world is this ugly stuff coming from? In my opinion, this stuff is an example of the development of a human mind that has degenerated to one form of irrationality. It is at man's lowest level of rationality.

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Rev. BigDumbChimp said…

    It's called Spam

  • At 4:34 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Bigdumbchimp.

    Do the spamers believe that the godly people will never learn that human freedon is not absolute and that the law will never remove such acts and other porn from the Internet?

    Spam and porn will be removed as soon as lawmaker's ignorance of God is exposed to the voters.

    Are you beginning to accept God? I think about you often.


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