Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Since Science Is Not Considering God In Scientific Matters, Science Is Losing Its Abilities to Serve People

Today, scientists are saying that science will come to an end soon. And without the true God, Western world theological and religious teachings also say that the end is coming, some say soon. If these sayings are rational why should anyone act irrationally by working hard to buy a new home, have any children, save lives in a fire, suffer as a cancer patient, seek the final knowledge about science, etc. All of these irrational acts are consistent only with an irrational God or a godless universe. They are nor consistent with the unbelievable rationally of a scientifically proven God. If one includes a scientifically proven God into the thoughts of the universe, no science, no theology, and no religion can be completed (or perfected). A scientific proven God is consistent only with a universe that has no end

My book identifies the one and only scientifically proven God. So, it is time for physical scientists, life scientists, theologians, religious leaders, and common people to think deeper about God and reject the highly irrational behaviors they develop today.


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