Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, December 30, 2006

March Christians. We Have the Strongest Proofs of God and Jesus Christ

Based on the work of Bart Ehrman in his book on Misquoting Jesus, atheists and liberals might use some of Ehrman’s information to silence Christians socially and politically. Ehrman seems to suggest a change in Christianity. But, such a change would be natural because man’s symbolic languages have been changing since the time of Jesus. Soon, the atheists will learn that Jesus will always give His teachings power that cause reforms in those faiths which will develop eventually into the single religion of God. Yes, Christians have made many mistakes. But, no human can get through life without mistakes. So, I hope that all Christians take heed to Ehrman work. Only with reforms can a Christian become like God.

I conclude that Jesus Christ will return to earth by the end of this century because a new form of wisdom will be needed by that time. In His last teachings, Jesus led our thoughts to the new scientific era we call modern science. By the end of this century, modern science will realize its potential to eliminate world poverty. At that time, the true moral philosophy must begin to develop. The true moral philosophy is the “Laws of Nature’s God.” These laws augment the Laws of Nature. The US founders identified both of these laws in the Declaration of Independence. I believe that a higher level of morality will be the major teaching of Jesus. To prepare for this higher moral philosophy, I believe that all Christian churches must become social units. The idea of attending church only on Sunday must be eliminated.

Below is a 2004 review I made on Duwayne Anderson’s book on “Farewell to Eden: Coming to Terms With Mormonism and Science.” In my review, I suggested that Mormons transform their church into a social unit. I believe they are making this kind of change.

Farewell to Eden challenges the claimed truths of the scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This scripture was written in the 19th century by Joseph Smith and is named the Book of Mormon. This scripture contains extractions from the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) and sayings by Smith. Its purpose was to start a new American religion based on revelation, with prophets and apostles who speak directly to God, and to prepare Israel for the second coming of Christ. Smith became the first Mormon prophet and president. Brigham Young was a Mormon prophet and president.

This book is important to the fields of science and religion because Farewell to Eden is a precursor of other challenges of Western world scriptures (Avesta, Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur'an). Undoubtedly, these other scriptures can expect challenges because all ancient scriptures have falsities. All scriptures contain (1) falsities related to God and the creation and include (2) falsities that help to build a faith. Falsities that develop fear are used to promote followers by the founders or leaders of a faith.

The author tells us that Smith erred when he made his God all-knowing. To give God all-knowledge, God is first a finite human and then with self-knowledge He develops all-knowledge. Smith's infinity is Aristotle's infinity (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...etc.). The author is thus correct because, in the 15th century, Nicholas of Cusa showed that infinite and finite are not comparable. So, any finite thing cannot become infinite in any way. A monotheistic God is infinite and exists prior to the creation. Other scriptures also view a monotheistic God as something finite, for instance, when they place a celestial world in between God and His creation and add beings such as Satan, demons, etc.

Fear is often added to a scripture by including words saying that God gives rewards and punishes people by ending our world and creating a Heaven, for rewards, and a Hell, for punishments. Today's Middle East suicide bombers are filled with this fear. I agree with the author when he implies at p. 315 that God is eternal, life is eternal, life after death is eternal, the creation is eternal, and families are eternal.

The author does a brilliant job of applying many different sciences to explain why the Book of Mormon is filled with errors and that Joseph Smith was merely a story teller. However, I do not believe that Mormons should disorganize because all churches have major scriptural problems. All churches should continue their current social interactions, as the author would want. Simultaneously, all churches can slowly reorganize their thoughts about God and the creation. I recommend that they start this reorganization by considering the writings of Nicholas of Cusa.


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