Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, December 25, 2006

Jesus Christ Has Taken Care of Us For More Than Two Thousand Years By Teaching Sciences and Morals

Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ. When I studied His teachings, I concluded that the universe has no end and that Chapter 24 of Matthew does not teach a near end of the planet. It is more true to say that planet earth can support life for several billion years. Jesus also taught many subjects that are consistent with our eternal life with God. It is clear that the early Christians misinterpreted Chapter 24 and propagated this misinterpretation into the future generations.

To make my modern creation theory consistent with my interpretation of Chapter 24 in Matthew, my science and theology required that the Son had to be incarnated the same way that all humans are incarnated. Further, I found that all incarnations must begin as spiritual atoms. In the Bible, the spiritual atoms are called the 'hands of God.' The spiritual atoms are the hands of God' because our physical scientists have not been able to equate physical atoms to the 'hands of God.' Once created, all spiritual atoms organize themselves lawfully. The first law of their togetherness is the paradise, the state in which the Son comes to rest after he dies on the cross. The first law is a physical laws and follow other physical laws that explain the formation into things such as the Son, all other humans, all animals and plants and all nonliving things. No spiritual atom will never be alone and be without relations with all other atoms. Furthermore, all spiritual atoms are minds These minds have different qualities. The highest qualities are the minds of the Son and all humans. The lowest quality minds are found in nonliving things. In the middle region of minds, other quality minds exist and form all animals and plants. Since all things eventually die, a dying thing disorganizes itself naturally until the thing has attained its resurrection state. This state is the lowest mind-body state and acts as if it is a seed that can be reborn. I conclude that the Son entered the resurrection state after He died on the cross.

The deaths of all created things are resurrected the same way. Jesus teaches death when he tells one of the robbers that he will be with Jesus in paradise today. (see Luke 20:43) Thus, death must be given a new meaning. So, when God created the things He wanted, He creates an ‘n’ set of spiritual atoms. Since all spiritual atoms are related to each other, they form 2 to the n subsets. The set of all subsets form a set of holistic things. As wholes, all created things have dominate spiritual atoms. The dominant atoms determines the nature of each whole.

The pic represents the Son and His work to care for us, just as shepards care for their sheep. Since the spiritual atoms are immortal, God and the universe are eternal partners. This eternity means that the Son will care for all created things forever. Since many teachings of Jesus Christ have been picked up by modern scientists, I expect the Son to be reincarnated by the end of this century so that He can teach us more wisdom. The teaching of the Son has no end because our wisdom can never reach God's wisdom.

Thus, I do not accept the idea that the universe will come to an end soon and that Jesus Christ will come only a second time to judge us and make a Heaven and Hell to distinguish the believers from the nonbelievers. Instead, I have interpreted the teachings of Jesus differently and believe that Jesus expects us to build one faith, one talking language, one science, one moral philosophy and one beautiful planet. This teaching means that all people on this planet must be unified. I suggest this unification path in my book, The First Scientific Proof of God.


  • At 10:13 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to anyonymous.

    This blog was prepared today when I was sick. I reread it tonight and made major and clarifying changes. Please reread the blog and then reask your question.


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