Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The First Example of an Ugly Mind

When humans learned how to speak to each other millions of years ago, they did not speak with each other perfectly. So, the early people had to develop an ability to understand what is being said. Nor did humans write perfectly after they leaned how to write 5,000 years ago. With writing, the ability to understand became more difficult because writings appeared in different languages and had to be translated. The truth is that speaking and writing can never be perfected completely because a monotheistic God and His creation will never end.

The ugliest mind I recognize today is the mind of people who believe that God destroys what He created, judges people, and gives them a new life, either in Heaven or Hell, where aging is eliminated. This ugliest mind was not recognized immediately by people because they were told by Western religious leaders that scriptures are perfect because they are dictated by God.

One can recognize this ugliest mind today because modern science has found the true infinity of God. This finding distinguishes God and His creation logically and perfectly. God’s true infinity reveals many new truths. For instance, we find that God is the greatest thing, is always the same God, and is the only thing in an infinite world. So, it is impossible for any finite thing to exist in God’s infinite world. God’s infinity also shows us that God does not dictate to any human. Consistence is telling us that an infinite God must appear in our finite world as a finite creature if he wants to give us information.

Many songs, poems, etc. are influencing the development of this ugliest mind.


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