Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sales of My Book

As I approach age 79, sales of my book are approaching the hundreds. This low level of sales was expected by me because the book is difficult, but also brings the reader a new way to view the world and the really intelligent design of God and a modern creation.

Since twenty-five years passed to collect the data needed for my book, I concluded that considerable time would be needed by readers to cope merely with a summary of this twenty-five years of research. To allow this twenty-five years to sink into your mind, I concluded that I had to create a teaching website. My blogging on this website is thus a teaching of my twenty-five years of research.

To protect the time for people to decide to open and read my book, I recently extended the availability of my book through my self-publishing firm ( for three more years. To protect readers beyond this time, I have recorded my blogs on WordPerfect and also asked my children and grandchildren to unite with Google to reprint my book and website blogs after I pass on. So, as time passes, please give me a chance to present my alternative to atheism, the ancient thoughts of man, and the modern thoughts of man.


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