Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Final Blog on the Horrible Dogmatic Partnership of the Physical Sciences, Life Scientists, and Medical Doctors

The 2007 book by Victor J. Stenger, "God: The Failed Hypothesis," was issued in paperback by Prometheus Books in April 2008. The paperback includes words from the atheist, Christopher Hitchens, who is a British-American author, journalist, literary critic, and a columnist at Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, World Affairs, The Nation, Slate, and Free Inquiry.

In this final blog on Stenger’s book, I show that Stenger recognizes the emergence of modern science but does not recognize the emergence of a modern theology, which opens the possibility of creating modern religions. Thus, Stenger speaks only about a positive theology and experiences. But, he knows nothing about the negative theology and reasoning. The negative and new ways of reasoning were found by Nicholas of Cusa in the 15th century. In my book, "The First Scientific Proof of God," I expand on the modern theology developed by Cusa.

In my expansion of a modern theology, the true infinity of God is applied. Thus, no telephones will be found that allow communications between an infinite God and any finite man. But, I show that an infinite God and finite man can exchange information. Stenger is thus highly confused with respect to God/man relations.

In Part IIc of my book, I say that information from God to man occurs when God creates things and when man seeks knowledge of these things. Paul demands this human activity at Rom. 1:20. A modern believer in God is thus a person who develops self-knowledge. But, only man can develop self-knowledge.

New knowledge of man was initially expressed in scriptures as prophesies. But, modern scientists and theologians use the symbol ‘prediction’ instead of ‘prophesy.’ Since man is not perfect, some prophesies (or predictions) can be better than others. Some prophesies are false. No scripture can thus be cast in concrete. This is why people must guard against false statements and false gods.

Jesus Christ tries to teach some of the best predictions found in the Old Testament. He also makes predictions in the New Testament. For instance, in Matthew, Ch. 24, Jesus predicts the darkening of the sun. This prediction was not confirmed until modern science emerged. In Mark 8:15-23, Jesus also predicts crime and its rise. He says that the mind, which is the thing ‘within’ us, causes crime. Obviously, criminologists are not guided by this prediction. And Jesus predicts ‘holism’ in John 14:20. Holism is being confirmed today by alternative medicine. Today, many scientists still view created things as ‘mechanisms.’ Stenger is confused here again by thinking that God changes the laws of his intelligent design. If such an intervention was possible, God did not create the best universe. Any intervention in the universe can occur only through the self-knowledge of man. As Jesus says, man will do greater work than he does. (See John 14:12).

The book by Stenger is thus just another book that has the purpose of transforming the USA from a nation under God, as authorized by the Declaration of Independence, to a godless nation.


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