Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, May 05, 2008

The Horrible Dogmatic Partnership of the Physical Sciences, Life Scientists, and Medical Doctors

I began my career as physical scientist and worked in the field of electrical engineering from 1953 to 1970. Then, I decided to join the US Department of Justice in 1971 to conduct research on the US crime problem as a member of the National Institute of Justice. In this change, I had to open my mind to new thoughts that are held by life scientists. These new thoughts showed me that the methods of physical sciences and life sciences are very different. For instance, a physical scientist can predict future physical events precisely. Thus, a physical scientist can predict the death of a sun precisely. But, a life scientist cannot predict events of life precisely. However, a life scientist can make only probability statements about future events of life or the future death of a living thing. These differences led me to say in my book that pure physical things are nonliving things and form an infrastructure for all living things.

In the 1970s, physical scientists and life sciences became daily partners. This partnership developed when President Nixon reduced the size of the US space program. With this drastic change, unemployment grew, led to many suicides of scientists, engineers, and technologists, and destroyed many families. This unemployment did not affect electrical engineers because they were already transferring the high technologies of the space program to other fields of thought. One of these fields was the field of medicine.

In the field of medicine, by 1990 the minds of physical scientists, life scientists, and medical doctors were being filled with many common symbols. When symbols become institutionalized, a new dogma appears. Such a dogma can and did close the minds of our physical scientists, life scientists, and medical doctors.

One common symbol in this partnership is the word ‘mechanism.’ A mechanism is part of the extensive dogma of these partners. To them, a mechanism is ‘a whole, which is equal to the sum of its parts.’ Based on this partnership, only mechanisms exist in the world. So, they reject God, intelligent design, soul (spirit), holism, and alternative medicine. They also reject a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Such a whole is structure of things-in-themselves. Since physical scientists reject God, they have accepted Darwin’s evolutionary theory.

This partnership is being held together by a weak glue known as ‘empirical science.’ But, the members of this partnership seem to be unaware of a 1920 discovery that was found by many linguists independently. This discovery found that sense data are primarily symbolic. This discovery means that sensual data must be rationalized to define the meanings of symbols. Alone, an empirical science can tell us only half of the truth.

Beginning in the 1970s, this partnership became a new scientific toy. Today, it is time for the members of this partnership to open their minds and view all things in the universe as holistic wholes.


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