Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Fifth Continuation on the Horrible Dogmatic Partnership of the Physical Sciences, Life Scientists, and Medical Doctors

In my last blog, I say that God creates the universe by creating an ontological sequence of finite things–in-themselves. In my book, I say that these things are unfolded directly from God through an infinity of different spiritual atoms, which Gottfried Leibniz called monads. Although the sciences and religions do not recognize things-in-themselves, they are not new. To my knowledge, things-in-themselves were first developed first by Friedrich Hegel, who was a believer in God.

Through Hegel, Karl Marx and his followers began to speak of things-in-themselves. But, the only ‘absolute thing’ considered by the Marxists was a ‘revolution’ of the poor people against the rich people. But, I do not believe that the Communists developed any other finite things-in-themselves after the Soviet Union began to exist and develop politically. But, I heard that today’s Russian intellects are revisiting Hegel’s work.

In my book, I say that a universe must have some things that function as infrastructure for life and other things that function as a structure of life. Many of today’s physical scientists are atheists and do not see God because they do not see this duality of things. Instead, they see every thing as a purely physical thing and call all things mechanisms. Many life scientists and many medical doctors follow the typical dogma of Victor Stenger and other physical scientists.

If the people of Russian are already conducting research on things-in-themselves, I say that they could eventually make major scientific breakthroughs and become the world leader. Is this what the people of the USA want?


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