Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Some More on ‘Whatever Happened to the Soul?'

Yesterday, I listed one way that rejects the existence of the soul and three ways that accept the existence of the soul. Below, I repeat and distinguish them and discuss them in more detail below.

Soul Rejection

1. Eliminated/Reductive Materialism: A person that has no soul and it thus a purely physical thing that can be explained only by physical laws.
(This view of atheism rejects God, accepts the Big Bang theory, accepts Darwin’s biological evolutionary theory, and expects the universe to destroy itself.)

Soul Acceptances

1. Radical Dualism: A person is a free spiritual thing, which if united with a physical thing, adds spiritual aspects to this physical thing.
(This view of Western world religions is generated from scriptural words. God is expected to destroy the universe. Simultaneously, God is expected to create Heaven, a place in which rewarded humans will be resurrected to live with God forever.)

2. Holistic Dualism: A person is a whole that has a soul part and body parts. These different parts are naturally harmonious, are infinite in number, and allow for incarnation, resurrection and reincarnation
(This view, which is described in my book, was developed because science found that a creator God must be infinite. Thus, the kingdom made by an infinite God has unified finite things. All finite things are ‘finite infinities,’which are numbered transfinitely. God thus creates a universe that is one, always changing, and eternal. Nonliving things produce infrastructures for life. Nonliving things also embody the souls of all living things. Human souls are embodied specially so that human life becomes a life of self-knowledge. Souls are re-embodied as seeds at death for the resurrection and reincarnation processes.)

3. Nonreductive Physicialism: A person is a physical organism whose complex functioning, both in society and in relation to God, gives rise to ‘higher’ human capacities such as morality and spirituality.
(This view, which is found in the 1998 book discussed in yesterday’s blog, is close to my view.)

Since the USA was founded as a nation under God and the atheists have not disproved God and have not disproved my scientific proof of God for almost two years, it is time for the US government to fund firmly the development of the Holistic Dualism and Nonreductive Physicialism views of the universe above. It is time for the US government to stop the massive waste of taxpayer funds on atheistic projects.


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