Using Theological Science* to Build a Godly National Economy, II

The initial destructive behavior occurred when US judges decided that the Declaration of Independence has only one authority --- to conduct a war against England. This decision was wrong because the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence authorize a ‘society’ and a ‘government.’ These two political concepts are consistent with the writings of John Locke on his social contract. The society was named ‘United States of America’ The society became ‘one people’ or Union, under God. These two paragraphs identify the Union with fundamental social principles, self-evident truths, the creation, rights, and the abolishment of ‘government’ if it becomes destructive. Since concept ‘government’ was redefined by the US Constitution, it is clear that ‘society’ is sovereign in the United States of America.
The US government increased its destructive behaviors when it does not consider God and the Laws of Nature’s God in its own deliberations and decisions. This destructive behavior developed because government does not recognize the difference between the concepts ‘theology’ and ‘religion.’ Theology is a study about God whereas religion is the practice of studies about God. So, the US government has the authority to study God but has no authority to practice a religion.
The US government’s destructive behavior continued when the supreme Court allowed private citizens to divide the Union into economic and moral classes. These different classes allowed slavery and caused the Civil War. These classes also caused racism and poverty, the rise of evilness and crime, and the use of drugs by the 1960s. Further division of the Union occurred in 1967 after the Supreme Court gave rights to atheists, who are destructive of God and God’s gifts to man.
The US government also develops destructive behaviors when Congress legislates arbitrary laws instead of Laws of Nature’s God. The arbitrary laws of England caused the American colonists to build a new government under God. The US government’s destructive behavior by Congress is essentially returning the rights of the people of the USA to the Rights of the Kings.
Obviously, the US society must change its government.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with thoughts about God.
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