Theological Science Solves the Cold War II Problem, I

Unfortunately, US logically-minded citizens are showing their political ignorance when they define democracy as the logical opposite of socialism. Such citizens do not even know that the US political system has never been classified by any citizen or the US government. Only dialectically-minded people can compare the US political system with the political system of other nations. Former President Clinton and England’s Prime Minister Terry Blair were unable to define a ‘Third Way’ between democracy and socialism because they are not educated in dialectical thinking. So, to prevent Cold War II, Russia and the USA must think dialectically, as I said in yesterday’s blog.
To think dialectically, both Russia and the USA must focus their governments on the two major factors of human life --- the ‘independence’ and ‘sociability’ of their people. The governments of both nations require only two political parties to govern. One party would be the Independence party. And the second party would be the Social party. These two parties would elect representatives of the people. The representatives would function as dialectical thinkers who define continually the future paths of progress of ‘the people.’ In the USA, the US Democratic and Republican parties must thus be terminated. If this political system is installed in every nation, the progress of the people in all nations would be very similar, spiritually and materially.
Obviously, this two-party political system allows people to live in any nation of their choice. It thus allows nations to tear down their walls, as President Reagan said. This political system would not allow land and natural resources to be owned by humans. This system turns all humans into ‘spiritual/social’ persons. This system would also turn all governments from an organization of power to an organization of service.
Cold War I was an irrational idea. And so is Cold War II an irrational idea. For instance, Russia and the USA are working together today on space research. As our sun darkens, these nations will transport people on this planet to other planets. Russia and the USA also worked together to stop WWII by building atom bombs. Today, Russia, the USA, and other nations they are working together to develop clean fusion energy. Russia and the USA could also work together on a serious radiation problem. Russia and the USA could remove this dangerous radiation waste product of the atomic bombs from this planet by rocketing this waste to the sun or some planet on which man cannot live.
Dialectical thinking is telling us loudly that it is time for man’s mind to reveal newer truths about human life.
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