Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Theological Science, Dialectical Thinking, and Kenneth Burke’s Second Nature of Man

According to evolutionists, man has only one nature. This nature is that which Nature gave to man. However, if one will reject Darwin’s evolutionary theory and one will accept God, a second nature is found in man. This second nature is man’s language. Kenneth Burke (1897-1993), a poet and drama critic, also said that man has a second nature because language is not merely an instrument for external communication. The language of man is also an intrinsic instrument through which man becomes an agent of change. Some theologians speak of this agent as a ‘little creator.’

According to Burke, the life of man is a continuum of dramas. These changing dramas can be understood correctly by any Platonic dialectician who has learned how to carve an idea ‘at the joints without breaking any part.’ (See a ‘Grammar of Motives’ by Burke) Burke would also say that today’s US scientists are half-dialecticians, who seek only ‘rational reduction to unity.’

In the early 1990s at the US Department of Justice, I concluded that criminals are created by symbolic languages. This makes sense because Burke predicted the Jewish Holocaust by his analysis of the symbolic language used in Mein Kampf. (See ‘The Philosophy of Literary Form’ by Burke.) When I retired in 1994, I told Attorney General Reno that crime can be cured by improving our symbolic languages. But, nothing has been done by Justice yet.

If the atheism found in the US field of science and if atheism is allowed to grow continually without limits, can a holocaust or war occur also in the USA? History says that this is possible. However, if dialectical thinking becomes a standard n the USA, I do not believe that any new power, holocaust, or war will ever develop. But a law is needed by Congress to assure this standard.


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