Theological Science and the History of Dialectical Thinking

Plato expands his dialectical thinking in his Sophist dialogue. At 257b Plato says, When we speak of 'that which is not,’ it seems that we do not mean something contrary to what exists but only something that is different. However, Plato’s dialectical thinking was opposed by Plato’s student, Aristotle, who developed logical thinking.
Since Platonists could not reconcile the thoughts of Plato and Aristotle, logical thinking, because it was a simpler way of thinking, became the way of thinking after they passed on. However, if one unifies the New Testament thoughts of St. John and St. Paul, and the 1945 Gospel of Thomas, one will likely conclude that Jesus Christ was a dialectician. Obviously, Jesus Christ had oppositions to his thoughts.
Logical thinking ruled the courts of the Roman Empire and the Roman Church until the Renaissance when Eastern Christians told Western Christians about Plato’s lost writings. By 1440, Bishop Nicholas of Cusa became the first modern dialectician. Cusa’s dialectical thinking is continued in Germany by Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Hegel, and Karl Marx. Marx developed dialectical materialism, which was installed in the Soviet Union in the 20th century. Even though capitalism failed in the Soviet Union, dialectical thinking still exists today in Russia. In the 20th century, Hegel’s dialectical thinking was also brought to the USA by US dialecticians.
The opening ceremony of the Olympics in China was a display of the dialectical thinking of the Chinese people. My book and website are dominated by my dialectical thoughts. My oppositions are logicians, atheists, and many US scientists. These opposing people are one-sided thinkers. But, if the USA does not reform its education system for Americans and include dialectical thinking. I predict that China and Russia will become the major economic and 'human rights' leaders in the world.
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