Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Theological Science vs. Today’s Sciences and Religions on the True Opposites of the Symbols, Finite and Infinite

When theological science uses the true meanings of the symbols ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’, these two symbols become a true pair of opposites and the dialectician can say that God is distinguished perfectly from the world that God creates. Thus, theological science (TS) can make two true statements. First, TS can say that in God, finite must be denied. Second, TS can say that in a finite world, infinite must be denied. These statements show how true opposing concepts are defined by a person who thinks dialectically.

Today’s sciences use the symbols, finite and infinite, but do not use them as true opposites. Because these symbols are not defined properly, these sciences have become one-sided. A one-sided scientist will say that finite things exist but will also say that an infinite thing does not exist. This is how today’s sciences reject God. Today’s sciences use uncompleted infinities, which are called ‘bad infinities’ or ‘finite infinities.’ The one-sided sciences of today exist because today’s scientists are not taught dialectical thinking at our colleges and universities. The ugly English language explains why dialectical thinking is not found in English-speaking nations.

Today’s religions use the symbols, finite and infinite. But, religions are still hanging onto those past thoughts that say that the infinite God exists in the sky among the stars that do not move. After Pope Benedict became the leader of the Catholic Church, I read that he would initiate studies on the symbol ‘infinite.’ But I have not heard anything more about that initiative. Obviously, theological science will not be accepted by religions until the true meanings of the symbols, finite and infinite, are taught in all religions.

If man’s mind is to be opened wider to reveal new knowledge, dialectical thinking must be taught in every nation.


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