Theological Science, Self-Knowledge, and a ‘Nation of Spirits’

The concept ‘independence’ is property that only a monotheistic God can give to humans. Since this concept is not absolute, man’s independence demands that humans accept moral responsibilities to God. The US Civil War is an example of man’s moral responsibility to God. On the other hand, US atheistic economic classes and US atheistic sciences are irresponsibilities because they turn more and more US citizens into atheism and prevent man’s development of self-knowledge. When the development of self-knowledge decreases in a nation, the immorality of people will increase and require more and more law enforcement agencies and prisons. The decrease of morality in the USA began in the 1960s when the US Supreme Court began to support atheism. Today, the basic moralities that still exist in the USA are being supplied by religions. To reverse this rise of immorality, the Union must change.
Astronomers tell us that the universe has an uncountable number of suns. Thus, the probability is high that humans have been living on other planets for a very long time. Thus, to say that humans have existed on planet earth for only 4000 years and that humans will go to Heaven or Hell after their death are low probability teachings today. It is more probable to say that UFO’s are real and that humans on other planets are concerned about the wars and high immorality of human life on our planet.
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