Theological Science and Self Knowledge, III

Because I did not agree with many religious teachings, I turned away from Christianity, but not God, as a young person. As time passed, I was changing and raised many questions relative to truths. In my search for truths, I became alienated from myself because I was negating my past thoughts. When I circled back with new thoughts, I had developed a new Spirit with new ideas. Friedrich Hegel would say that this circle is only one ‘moment’ in one’s spiritual life. (See Phenomenology of Spirit by Hegel) Technically, such a moment would (1) sense the certainties of an object, (2) perceive these certainties by developing concepts, and (3) gain an understanding of these concepts with symbolic statements. I experienced such a moment when I thought and gained an understanding of the statement ‘all finite things are originated by an infinite thing’ in my book on page 6.
Since I believe that a Spirit cannot be destroyed, I believe that Spirits are reincarnated after the death of its embodiment. If the life of a Spirit thus has no end, a Spirit will have the experience of developing new and different moments every new life.
Interestingly, many US scientists are only developing physical knowledge today. Thus, they do not develop self-knowledge. They develop physical knowledge because they believe that the universe comes to an end and has no God.
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