Theological Science and Sense Certainty, II

For instance, when a hot thing is sensed, one can only make the following statement: in a hot thing, what is not-hot is the hot thing. In this true statement, Plato’s negative (or negation) distinguishes a thing from its attributes. Contrary to the atheistic belief that our world can be known completely with empirical data, a supersensible world does exist beyond the world of appearances.
US physical scientists were unaware of Plato’s negative when they made an atom bomb during WWII. Two atom bombs stopped the war between Japan and the USA. But, a Cold War developed between the Soviet Union and the USA. This war caused the Soviet Union and the USA to make more atom bombs. More recently, North Korea was making atom bombs. North Korea must be thanked for not developing such bombs.
When an atom bomb is made, sensible nuclear material must be removed from the Uranium material used to make an atom bomb. The removed sensible material is waste, but also emits radiation for a long time. This radiation is dangerous to life. Now, Iran also wants to make more of these ugly atom bombs. It is clear that the world’s nuclear bomb experts are showing us that they are not experts at all.
Can’t the leaders of the USA, Russia, Iran, and other national leaders stop this human dumbness? Apparently, the people of State of Nevada are refusing to dump this dangerous nuclear waste in the mountains of Nevada. I doubt that the people in any nation will approve this dumping?
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