Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Theological Science Prevents Human Conflicts and Wars

If a nation does not use theological science and continues to use the current godless science of the school of physics, human conflicts will continue to grow worldwide and wars will become a normal event. This scenario is certain because godless ideas can produce arbitrary laws and arbitrary governments, just as the arbitrary government of England created arbitrary laws in America prior to 1776. Only the US Revolutionary War could correct the godless acts of the British government.

The founders of the USA knew that godless nations do not work. So, they created the USA as a nation under God. But, after the assassination of Lincoln, the US judicial system has turned the USA more and more into a godless nation.

This judicial error exists only because I conclude that our lawyers and judges are ignorant of (1) the philosophy of symbolism; (2) the 1920 discovery of many linguists that sense data are primarily symbolic; and (3) the negative impacts of using the godless science developed by the field of physics in the USA today.

Thus, I conclude that our lawyers and judges do not know that the symbols ‘theology’ and ‘religion’ have different meanings because philosophers had given different meanings to the symbols ‘theory’ and ‘practice.’ To a philosopher, theology means the study of God. Many different theories of God can emerge from the field of theology. On the other hand, religion means the practice of theologies. So, many different religions can exist in the world for the same God. So, it was right for the founders to separate State and Religion. But, it is wrong for judges to separate State and God when the US founders did not separate the USA from God.

Thus, I conclude that our lawyers and judges are not interpreting the US Declaration of Independence correctly. I argue that the Declaration is not merely an authorization for the Revolutionary War. I say that the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence also authorize the USA to become a Union under the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God. These two laws prevent the development of arbitrary laws by the US government.

Our lawyers and judges must rethink their field of thought because they are doing consider damage to the people of the USA. Unless the judicial branch of the US government changes immediately, I predict that the general morals of the US culture will continue to degenerate.


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