Theological Science and Logic, I

These character assassinations did not change my position about God because I was one of a few US researchers who developed a dual research career, in the physical science and the human sciences. With this dual career, I knew that they lack research experience in the human sciences. Without this experience, they make many silly assumptions and theories. For instance, they assume that physical matter underlies all nonliving and living things, that the world is a mechanism that wears out and comes to an end, that logic is completed, and that mathematics will soon be completed. None of these assumptions are proven. With these assumptions, they reject God, Freedom, Morality, and Immortality.
Let me focus on logic and the law of contradiction. A logician, for instance, says that a sequitur is an inference that follows from the premises. Thus, they say that a non sequitur is an inference that does not follow from the premises. Since my thinking rises above logic to prove God, they say that my proof is a non sequitur and my book is filled with non sequiturs and should not be purchased.
US logicians want to change the national languages so that all humans become identical to the Mr. Spock of the Star Wars TV program. Logicians must give authors their freedom, leave the ‘talking languages’ to humans, and limit their logical thinking to ‘scientific languages.’
I argue that logic is incomplete and will never be completed. For instance, logicians do not understand that many opposing concepts coexist or mix and do not lead to a contradiction. For instance, the concepts ‘finite’ and ‘infinite’ coexist. They are found to coexist, when we talk about the universe(finite) and God (infinite). Concepts mix when ‘hot’ water and ‘cold’ water flow together when taking a shower. The different coexisting temperatures left logic and became scientific when scientists made a numbered thermometer. Further, the concepts ‘beginning’ and ‘ending’ can have middle concepts or cannot have middle concepts. If they have no middle concepts, they are called excluded middle opposites. The concepts ‘negative’ and ‘positive’ must always coexist. The concepts ‘true’ and ‘false’ can have middle concepts or have no middle concepts.
When Kant assumed that logic is completed, he used Aristotle’s categories and failed to unify empiricism and rationalism. But, his logic made him a friend of today’s logicians. However, the logicians tossed him away when Kant included metaphysics, God, Freedom, Morality, and Immortality in his thoughts and did not reject them.
US logicians must expand the development of logic. But this expansion must be guided by theological science.
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