Theological Science, the Only True Science, I

The first science was developed without God. This science developed a common sense language that people shared. Today, we know that the first science was an empirical science and used man’s five senses and logical thinking.
The second science had to develop a truth language before God or any invisible truth could be recognized. The second science developed in small social units, where the communication among people would increase and a true language would develop. One true language did develop. It developed a true language about nonliving things and became known as ‘physical science.’
However, the development of other true languages was not smooth. For instance, physical scientists discovered many physical laws and started the industrial revolution. But, a true language of living things did not develop. Then, in the 1920s, linguistics discovered that sense data are primarily symbolic. This discovery essentially destroys empirical science and any common sense language based on logical thinking.
Thus, the only true language that man knows today is the physical scientist’s true language about nonliving things. Accordingly, a true language about living things does not exist. This poor scientific situation explains all social problems in the world today.
In my book and on this website, I develop the true language about living things. This true language is based on a consistent symbolic language and my scientific proof of God. So, the second science is a reality. I refer to it as the ‘theological science.’ It is the only true science we know today. It is the only science that can solve the social problems in the world today.
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