Theological Science: The Nature of Things and Their Positive and Negative Qualities, I

To distinguish all things, the content of all things must have negative qualities as well as positive qualities. The negative qualities are necessary because they distinguish a thing’s positive qualities from the positives of all other things. Thus, God has the positive one and infinite essence and distinguishes himself from all of the things he creates. So, God negates all finite things from his positive being.
Finite things have positive qualities also because they participate contractedly in God’s essence. Every created finite thing must also have negatives. These negatives distinguish all finite things from God and each other. As seen, all things in the world are different. Since all things in the world are different, God had to create a system of things that have an unbelievable harmony.
However, today any human can see clearly that this harmony can be fractured by man. Examples are the building of the fission atom bomb by the USA, the building of fission nuclear bombs and rockets by the US and the Soviet during the Cold War, and the building of fission nuclear-producing electricity power plants by the US, Soviet Union, and Iran. The negatives of these dirty man-made things are known as ‘nuclear-radiating things.’ But, no states in th USA want to bury these dangerous things in their soil. Isn’t it time for governments to understand the evilness of these nuclear-radiating things?
At 4:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think it is time to improve upon the efficiency of nuclear generators. We can reuse our nuclear waste byproducts, I think (I've still got some learning to do in those regaurds though), as the French do. Or better yet, perhaps we can utilize nuclear fusion that creates far less waste. Then, there are also renewable resources such as solar and ocean wave energy, geothermal, or we can use algea to kickstart our hydrogen economy (an array of orbitng optical solar rectennas can beam microwave energy down to remote power stations on the ground). Anyhow, there are so many areas for R&D, but we need to generate some ecconomic revenues for the time being(offshore oil drilling may be one of our biggest assets in my opinion).
At 5:47 PM,
George Shollenberger said…
response to quantum_flus,
Our minds are moving on the same path.
I must finish my thoughts on things and then I must discuss eonomics. With the current series on theological science, I will return my attention to Congress, where I am getting attention on natural resorces and the funding of science.
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