Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Theological Science and Reincarnation

In my thoughts on theological science, reincarnation became a necessary process in the universe because both God and the universe have no end. However, I cannot accept other reincarnation theories (e.g., New Age, Far East religions, etc.) because such proposals require the existence of a celestial world in between God and the universe. In my development of theological science, God is unified logically to the universe. So, I say that nothing exists between God and the universe.

Thus, I do not accept paranormal communications or telepathy because I do not believe that people exist in another world. Nor do I believe that paranormal communications or telepathy applied to people who live on other planets. If life exists on other planets, communications must be normal between people on different planets. Further, I do not accept the existence of ascended masters, angels, demons, devils, etc. who live in another world. Furthermore, I do not accept the law of karma. Instead of karma, I believe that like-things hang together whereas unlike things do not hang together. Just as Jesus Christ tells us to study the signs of the fig tree to find the signs of our darkening sun in Matthew, Chapter 24, I seek signs in Nature to tell me about like and unlike things. For instance, to make my yard beautiful, I learned to keep weedy grasses away from the beautiful grasses..

In my book, I say that life exists after death. Thus, I believe that life is continuous and that life continues after death. I found that God made after life possible with the spiritual atoms. I discuss them in Part IV of my book.


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