Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Friday, June 06, 2008

Theological Science

Theological science is not new. Theological science came into existence when man found God and began to seek truths about God and God’s acts of creation. Theological science became formal after man learned how to write and produced scriptures. Theological science produced major findings when Abraham discovered that God is monotheistic and when Moses proposed that God used a seven-step creation. The methods of developing theological science became formalized by the writings of Plato and Aristotle on epistemology, the study of knowledge. Then, theological science was given a big boost with the teachings of Jesus Christ on God, the creation (the kingdom of God), human mind, common sense, and morality.

During the Middle Ages, theological science developed the Trinity of God, a proof of God’s existence, new thoughts about God and the creation, and new thoughts about man’s method of thinking. Unfortunately, the development of theological science was slowed considerably by the Inquisition and the imprisonment of Galileo. With this imprisonment, man’s study of God was separated from the study of the creation. This separation is still not mended today.

This separation has led to the growing division of people and nations in the Western world. By the 20th century, these divisions have caused many unnecessary wars. And such wars are continuing to develop in the 21st century even though the Roman Catholic church has apologized for its imprisonment of Galileo. This church must do much more to recover the damage it caused.

This long separation has led to new divisions of people. For instance, a belief that God does not exist is developing. This new division is known as atheism. This division is found in most Western nations today. Other kinds of wars could emerge from this division. This division has led to materialism and the development of economic divisions such as rich and poor people. This division has also misled the field of science away from God and into developments of highly irrational scientific theories. This separation is even dividing religions because today’s religions have limited their teachings to scriptural material.

I conclude that the Western world is moving in a direction that will cause results that no people want.


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