Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Understanding God by Building Symbols As "Theological Science "

God is not comprehensible. However, humans can gain understandings of God because they were created with the ability to build symbolic languages. This ability is found only in the human mind, which is an independent thing that can measure all other things that God created. Obviously, God created man with a major responsibility. However, man’s development of symbolic languages has been very poor because the philosophy of symbols has not yet become an accepted field of thought.

This poor development explains why many Western believers seek an understanding of God by going to a church, synagogue, or mosque. However, the churches, synagogues, or mosques limit their teachings to scriptures and teach differently. This limit and different teachings have forced many believers to find other teachings about God. In the USA, the believers who are seeking these other teachings are to be found in the New Age and New Thought movements. In time, the teachings of Abraham, Moses, Plato, Jesus Christ, Nicholas of Cusa, Gottfried Leibniz, Frierrich Hegel, Georg Cantor and my work will organize a third new religion. The appropriate name of the third religion would be 'theological science.'

In the 1920's linguists made an important finding about symbols. They found that ‘sensual data are primarily symbolic.’ Unfortunately, this discovery is still unknown by most scientists of today. So, when these unknowing scientists search for new phenomena, they become lost and develop theories that are eventually found to be false.

Unless US scientists return to God and begin to develop symbolic languages, I see a continuous degeneration of science.


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