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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

World Economics and Today's Oil Prices

The increasing price of gasoline in the USA is evidence that the US laissez-faire (a free market) economy does not work. When the US was founded in 1776, the American System of economics strengthened the US national government under Alexander Hamilton. And this economy was installed by the Lincoln administration. Apparently, Lincoln was assassinated in order to destroy the American System of economics and install the British System of economics. The British System is a laissez-faire economy. I conclude that the American System is a natural economy for our modern world.

Prices will increase only if the productivity of producing organizations decreases; if speculators are allowed to buy resources so they can be sold at higher prices; if depleting natural resources are hoarded; if land is owned by people; and if free trade agreements among nations are authorized by law.

In any properly governed nation, the prices of commodities will always decrease so that populations can increase in rational ways. In a properly governed nation, productivity is increased with the education of people, who also produce new sciences and new technologies; speculation must be eliminated by law; natural resources must be shared among all people by law; land must be free and shared by its people; and international trade agreements must be fair and controlled by international laws.

The 21st century has many economic problems that can be solved only by increasing international discussions.


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