Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, June 02, 2008

The Relation Between the Trinity, Proofs of God, and Praying, Part II

In yesterday’s blog, I say that the Trinity and developed truths about God are necessary to inform God of the status of a person’s mind. I argue that these two steps form the true process of praying. Thus, I do not believe that today’s methods of praying will connect a person’s spirit (mind) to God.

My argument is supported by religious scriptures. In my book, I say that these scriptures are not produced or inspired by God. Instead, all religious scriptures are produced by people who believe that God does exists. For instance, the Old Testament is a long history of the development of truths about God by the Jews. Then, this Jewish history was expanded greatly by the New Testament teachings of Jesus Christ. This teaching led to a new religion known as Christianity. The divine teachings of Jesus revealed the Trinity and many new ways to develop the human mind. The teaching of Jesus was eventually confirmed by Mohammad. He developed another new religion known as Islam. So, one cannot turn away from these historical facts and the fact that a continuous development of the human mind has been taking place for more than three thousand years.

If a person rejects the human mind proposed by the atheists and Darwin’s evolutionary theory, that person’s mind is being viewed as a perceiving thing, which was created by God. So, when a person is conceived, that person begins to perceive immediately the ‘other’ things that God created. Thus, while still in the womb, a person’s mind is developing mental models of the perceived things.

When the baby leaves the womb, the mind continues to fill itself with models of many other perceived things. A human life is primarily a life of ‘perceiving and modeling.’ However, if the truths of models are not sought, the mind of a person can be filled with many falsities. I conclude that this is what happens in a criminal or atheistic mind. For instance, if Mother chooses to abort a baby, her decision is a prayer that informs God of this murder. However, God saves the baby because all human deaths lead to resurrection and reincarnation. Since the opposites, higher and lower, apply to all processes in the universe, I conclude that the reincarnation of ‘like-things’ will be either into higher and higher stages of life or lower and lower stages of life.


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