Theological Science and the Philosophy of Symbolism

Perhaps, this negativeness can be eliminated if scientists, atheists, theologians, and religious leaders would learn about symbols and the philosophy of symbolism and learn that scriptures were written with ancient symbols. For instance, the symbols ‘prophet’ and ‘prophesy’ are found in the scriptures. Today, the ancient symbol ‘prophet’ has been modernized and changed to the symbol ‘scientist.’ And the symbol ‘prophesy’ has been modernized and changed and appear today as two symbols, ‘hypothesis’ and ‘theory.’ So, the scriptures produced by religions and the papers and books produced by scientists are equivalent in that both seek truths. I say that they are equivalent because I argue that humans, rather than God, have produced the scriptures.
I conclude that today’s scientists, atheists, theologians, and religious leaders are unaware of the nature and philosophy of symbols. I also conclude that US colleges and universities and seminaries do a poor job in teaching our students about the nature of symbols and the philosophy of symbolism. If colleges, universities, and seminaries educate the students properly, won’t the negativeness of the scientists, atheists, theologians, and religious leaders be reduced and eliminate the fights between them? Isn’t it time to develop those human behaviors that increase the brotherly love among all people?
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