Theological Science and Logic, II

Kant’s dogma that logic is complete and the related thoughts of US logicians were challenged in the blog yesterday. Today, I challenge those physical scientists and life scientists who agree with these logicians and say that human science cannot be distinguished from the physical science. Thus, they are saying that living things have their origin in nonliving physical things. Based on this ridiculous saying, life scientists and their practitioners have reduced a human being to a mechanism. This reduction of man to a mechanism is murder because it is killing many medical patients.
From 1971 to 1994, I conducted research on the human problem of crime. As a physical scientist, I interacted with many different life scientists (e.g., sociologists, psychologists, etc.). During these twenty-three years, at no time did I hear an announcement that a law of humans had been found, for instance, as physical scientists often announce the finding of new laws of physics. I heard only announcements of statistical data about humans.
While logicians and physical scientists like Kant’s statement that logic is completed, they do not like Kant’s thoughts on the concepts of God, Freedom, Morality, and Immortality. But, as I said yesterday, logic is not completed because logic, if completed, would produce necessary ‘laws of humans.’ As Kant says, the phenomena of independent humans can be sensed. But, the cause of this independently generated phenomena can only be judged.
When the founders of the USA included the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God in the Declaration of Independence, they said that all humans are independent and must be judged so that all US laws increase the freedom of all US citizens. Arbitrary US laws would thus decrease the freedom of every US citizen.
It is time for the US government to correct the thinking of the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Science, US physical scientists, and US life scientists.
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