Theological Science Urges Physical Scientists to Return to God

The burning of Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) at the stake and the imprisonment of Galileo (1564–1642) caused early modern scientists to quietly reject God. But, the 1979 appearance of a 1440 book by Bishop Nicholas of Cusa was too late to tell our 1970 scientists that man’s knowledge can never be completed. Yet today, the skeptics expect the physical scientists to complete knowledge about ‘everything’ in the universe soon!!!
If man’s knowledge cannot be completed, one must conclude that not ‘everything’ that exists can be sensed by man. So, when today’s atheistic scientists say that God does not exist because God cannot be sensed, they do not realize that they have merely expressed a fact. Thus, the rejection of metaphysics by the skeptics seems to have created a major error in the field of physical science.
The 1440 book by Cusa has the title On Learned Ignorance. In this book, Cusa tells us that we must learn what we cannot know. Since God cannot be known by us, we must investigate the things that God created so that we can at least understand God. I urge scientists to study the teaching of Cusa. My book, especially Part IIa, discusses many of Cusa’s teachings.
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