More on Theological Science and Mind

His brain damage was more serious than the brain damage I had in 1993 due to a carotid artery blockage. After a speech therapist told me that my brain damage caused me to become negative and passive. I started to exercise my brain with positive demands. I worked for more than two years and recovered most of my speech ability by demanding my brain to work. I demanded this work of my brain by playing a computer game that would exercise my senses (motions) and reason (mental decisions), faster and faster. I conclude that exercising my senses and reason caused the wholeness of my mind and body to develop new speech cells in the brain. Those people, who have experienced this same brain damage and remained negative, have usually passed on quickly Today, as a diabetic patient, I use my feet more often to increase the flow of blood to my feet.
However, when this man began to sing, the audience, almost immediately negated his performance loudly. Then, something strange happened to every person in the audience. The whole audience suddenly changed and expressed loud cheers of positive support for the man. I conclude that the independent feelings of the singing man were communicated to the independent minds of every person in the audience where they appeared as independent feelings. Even I was tearing. I expect that this transfer of feelings among people should also occur in Las Vegas when the man appears again in a contest there.
Based on the above events of two brain recoveries and the transfer of feelings among people through a song, I ask any physical scientist to explain these brain recoveries and feelings using laws of physics.
At 3:27 PM, said…
These are two very inspiring stories of traumatic brain injury recovery. I came across your blog while doing research for our TBI/SCI website, and I was pleased to see the unique perspective it offers.
At 8:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Brain damage and recovery.... all I can say is that this must come from a biological and psychological desire to be a fully functioning individual. I don't think that the whole brain gets damaged, but just pieces of it do, which is why people can compensate by using other zones of the brain for whatever mental or physical processes that were lost. Often times people don't recover so well from brain damage, but it certainly isn't a miracle though.
At 8:39 AM,
George Shollenberger said…
response to
My blogging effort since early June is a discussion of my new science --- theological science. The new science unifies theology and modern science.
My personal experience and the TV experience last Sunday tell me again that the human mind is a thing-in-itself and is not a shadow of the brain as many life scientists and atheists say. These experiences also supports my scientific proof of God.
To me, starving and holding back water forr brain damaged patients is murder.
At 9:03 AM,
George Shollenberger said…
respinse to quantum-flux,
Hi again QF
I agree with you on miracles. The only miracle I accept is God's cration of things-in-themselves, that is, the universe, out of nothing.
But I reject the belief that Nature made things-in-themselves and that physical matter underlies all things-in-themselves. I only accept my spiritual atoms as the stuff that underliesall things-in-themselves.
I see mind as the first thing-in-itself that God creted and that the mind's actuality is a divine beginning that can self-develop by becoming conscious with universal models of all things-in-themselves So, my freedom to turn away from the onset of a permanent negativity and becoming positive caused the recovery of my brain damage.
Think deeply about what I am saying..
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