Theological Science and Self Knowledge, II

Today, many US citizens say that the USA is a free country. However, these citizens overstate the freedom of humans because they do not understand that they are enslaved to many flawed systems such as dysfunctional governments, economies, schools, politics, social interactions, false sciences, ... etc. Saying that the USA is the best nation in the world is not the solution to the absence of universal self-knowledge in the USA.
In the USA, the colonists became free from England in 1776. But, Us citizens are enslaved to each other and are not overcoming this strange form of slavery. For instance, many US women are enslaved by molesting men who are not developing self-knowledge. And many US men are enslaved by greedy CEOs who are not developing self-knowledge.
Developing self-knowledge must become an interest of every human who seeks real freedom. Unfortunately, the only work I know about on the subject of self-knowledge is my own general work on this website and in my book on the scientific proof of God, the work of the movement of Lyndon LaRouche on economics and other sciences, the very detailed work of Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) on the phenomenology of spirit, and today’s Hegelian followers.
If self-knowledge is not developed worldwide, I predict that man will fall into deeper and stranger forms of slavery. The personal interest of each human being must be displayed on a natural stage so that people can feel and experience the personal self-knowledge of every human.
At 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
So what happens if my self-knowledge differs radically from your self knowledge? Who's to say what is "right" and what is "wrong"? Who's to say that your self knowledge has led you to a truth or an absolute?
At 3:13 PM,
George Shollenberger said…
response to aaron,
Knowledge is either true or false. Only human behaviors are either right or wrong.
Truths are found by proofs. Science has a methoid of proof called a two-step (discovery and demonstration)scientific method of proof.
Today truths can come in degrees because symbolic languages must be used to make a symbolic statement of the proposed truths.
My statements have hifg degrees of truth because i use precise symbols. Most people do not understand the philosophy of symbolisms. Since I know this philosophy, my statements have a high degree of truths.
To get into truths, one must use precise meanings of every symbol used. A widely accept truth is approaching the absolute truth.
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