Theological Science and Self-Knowledge, VI

So, unless world leaders open their minds to today’s different world theories, I expect new and different social problems to develop worldwide for centuries. And if leaders do not open their minds to these world theories, the development of man’s self-knowledge will be impeded considerably and the freedom of all people will decrease. So, let me discuss some of the important highlights of the new world theory.
The new world theory began to emerge in the 15th century with the work of Nicholas of Cusa in Germany. Since there is no mediator between God and man in the new world theory, the Vatican and the Inquisition became immediate enemies. So, the new theory became a German theory and was developed by Kepler, Leibniz, Kant, Hegel, and Marx. Since self-knowledge has no mediator between God and man, the creation of a Russian nation without a monarch or mediator was expected when the Marxists created the Soviet Union and maintained the Eastern Christians, who disagreed with the Western Christians on the substance of Jesus Christ.
All things in the new world theory are formed by perceiving and immortal Spirits. A perceiving Spirit imagines a tree, for example. For instance, when you see a tree and close your eyes, you imagine the tree. All of these Spirits are created by God. At death, a Spirit remains in motion and becomes the organizing principle of a new body for its new function. So, a Spirit will perceive things continually while it grows in a womb, when it is born, and when it becomes a new member of a different family and culture. So, the continuity of family and social interactions are important to a perceiving Spirit.
Accordingly, wars, human conflicts, different morals, different cultures, etc. could create a perceiving shock to a Spirit. I believe that such a shock is the cause of all suicides. This shock would also be the root cause of suicide bombing in the Middle East.
Only if world leaders open their minds can the new world theory become a reality and eliminate such perceiving shocks.
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