Theological Science, Self-Knowledge, and a ‘World of Spirits’, I

Theological science says that Spirits are created. Since Spirits are perceiving Spirits, God is the Perceiver of all perceiving Spirits. Thus, God blesses Spirits but not nations. The way God blesses Spirits is unknown to us. However, it is clear to me that a World of Spirits is arbitrary unless every human on this planet participates in the development of a World of Spirits. For this reason, I suggested that treaties be made among all nations in Part IV of my book. Such treaties would unify all Spirits on this planet. With this treaty, all nations would become a socialistic nation without losing the independence of any Spirit.
Former US President Clinton and England’s Prime Minister Blair have worked on a Third Way that unifies democracy and socialism. Their efforts should be lifted to the international level. My personal thoughts on the unification of Spirits would include the elimination of land ownerships by people and the elimination of natural resource ownerships by nations.
US President Nixon was not known as a socialist. But, he had developed huge social initiatives. I represented the US Department of Justice to discuss these initiatives in 1972. I was impressed. For instance, these initiatives would create a four-day work week for all Americans and would increase the protein diet of Americans. In these initiatives, man would also begin to manage the underground space where water, sewage, electricity, transportation, etc. are managed. Instead of boring into the underground with mechanical equipment, nuclear energy would be used to bore holes and simultaneously place glass casings in underground spaces like worms bore holes and make casings. This underground system would eliminate all highway trucking. With treaties, such social initiatives could apply to all nations.
Free traders, industrialists, bankers, and other greedy Spirits need to think deeper on the truths and realities of human life. Since life is a continuous process that never ends, greedy people also need to think about reincarnation and the possibility that a person in the USA, for instance, could be reborn in one of today’s third-world nations. Think deeper when seeing a starving child on TV.
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