Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Theological Science and Faith

A typical dictionary today has many different meanings for the same word such as ‘faith.’ The different meanings of words are entering today’s dictionaries because the field of etymology did not develop the philosophy of symbolism after linguists discovered in the 1920s that sensual data are primarily symbolic. Instead, the field of etymology merely developed as a study based on the methods and findings of historical and comparative linguistics in the 19th century.

So, every nation must reform its field of etymology. Without such a reformation, a national language will not develop properly. Improper development of a national language can become a national problem because the power of the human mind in any nation is determined by the power of the symbolic language of that nation.

In this blog, I will present an example of how a national language can be developed properly. In this example, I will limit the meaning of the word ‘faith.’ This limit will change the word ‘faith’ to a symbol by developing its most precise logical meaning for a Spirit who is developing self-knowledge. So, the symbol ‘faith’ will be given its most precise logic meaning in the field of knowledge with dialectical thinking.

I use dialectical thinking in the field of knowledge by identifying a pair of opposites that coexist. A pair of coexisting opposites in the field of knowledge is formed by the concepts, ‘known’ and ‘unknown.’ This pair of coexisting opposites says that all knowledge cannot be known. So, some knowledge will always be in the unknown category.

Faith is thus a belief in something unknown. For example, a person might have a belief in God and reincarnation. The opposing belief of faith is called science. Science is a belief in something known. Here, we see that ‘faith’ and ‘science’ coexist as opposites only in the mind of a human who thinks dialectically.

Today, US scientists do not think dialectically. So, their minds are one-sided. As one-sided thinkers, they reject faith and must also reject the examples, God and reincarnation. To them, ‘unknowns’ do not exist. Thus, they think logically but do not think dialectically.


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