Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Theological Science, Dialectical Thinking, and Religion

A Union of people maintains itself by accepting the new knowledge produced by the many different fields of thought found in the Union. If this new knowledge is not communicated among the people of a Union, the Union will become divided. This division can cause social conflicts, crime, and even wars.

For instance, religions can cause such social problems and even destroy a Union. Such problems can occur when a religion does not seek and teach the new knowledge that is not found in scriptures but is flowing among other people of a Union. Fundamental religions are examples. However, even if a religion maintains members who can detect and teach new knowledge, these members can teach false knowledge to a congregation. An example is the Baptist Church whose scientists did not open their minds to my new teachings of dialectical thinking. So, the Baptist congregation has lost a new opportunity to do greater works than Jesus Christ did.

Today, advancing people attain continually new knowledge about God. Because of this new knowledge, these advancing people are saying, as I teach, that scriptures are not inspired by God and are not the words of God. Jesus Christ, who Christians view as the son of God, taught his audiences about reincarnation and the need for people to develop self-knowledge. For instance, at John 14:12, Jesus Christ tells his audience that because he goes unto the Father, people who believe in his work will do the work he did and will do greater work than he did. So, a person, who does not study the work of Jesus and does not develop new knowledge, cannot be classified as a Christian.

I believe that many religions are impeding the progress of their nations today when they close their minds to new knowledge such as the development of the human mind with dialectical thinking.


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