Theological Science, Dialectical Thinking, and Thinking With Metaphors, III

These two different ways of thinking about life must be overcome before the Cold War fear can be eliminated completely. To eliminate this fear, the people of the USA must develop dialectical thinking based on the existence of God. And Russia must change its dialectical thinking so that its thinking is based on the existence of God. Russia’s dialectics must also reject Darwin’s biological evolutionary theory. In Germany, dialectical thinking is developing but must be reformed so that dialectics are based only on the existence of God. In China life is already guided by dialectics. For instance, the pair of opposites, yin and yang, is guiding many aspects of Chinese life. But Chinese dialectics must also be reformed so that they are based only on the existence of God. Other nations must also develop dialectical thinking based only on the existence of God. Otherwise, life will be filled with evils and international conflicts will continue to develop.
The development of dialectical thinking in the USA is a big task because the English language must be filled with dialectical symbols. The English language can be filled quickly if the German language is taught and mandated in the US school system. However, the addition of dialectical thinking has enemies. In the USA, the enemies are the atheistic logicians and atheistic scientists.
Dialectical thinking must be based on the existence of God because human freedom comes only from God. In any nation, freedom is thus not absolute. Instead, freedom is a variable and increases only with non arbitrary laws. As new non arbitrary laws increase, the natural rights of humans increase and approach, but never reach, infinity. Without dialectical thinking, slavery increases. This increase is a form of death.
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