Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Theological Science* and 'What Nature Makes'

Since I have had no response from any physical scientist on the subject of man-made things such as a grapefruit, a sun, a grape, an apple, a tree, a shiny stone, a planet, a dog that loves me, an economic system that works, a new challenge to the physical scientists seems appropriate. So, let me make a challenge, on behalf of theological science, to today’s physical scientists.

This challenge asks, ‘do physical science believe that a grapefruit, a sun, a grape, an apple, a tree, a shiny stone, a planet, a dog that loves me, an economic system that works’ can be made by Nature. If Nature can make these things, can physical scientists prove this making. If so, let’s hear from all of those ‘know everything’ physical scientists.

Hey, collect your best thoughts because my blogs will be routed to the White House in January.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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