Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Theological Science* Reveals Theological Inconsistences in Our Thoughts About Monotheism, VII

Most modern scientists today view a whole as ‘the sum of its parts.’ This view explains why these scientists reject God. However, other modern scientists, those who believe in God, have a different view of a whole. These believers say that a whole as ‘more than the sum of its parts.’

These two views become clearer if the first view is seen as ‘a man-made whole that has a countable number of parts’ and the second view is seen as ‘a God-made whole that has an uncountable number of parts.’ As seen, the man-made whole has a discontinuous finite number of parts whereas the God-made whole has a continuous infinite number of parts.

Examples of these two different wholes could be helpful. For instance, take the man-made thing that we call ‘automobile’ apart. These parts can be counted and reassembled. Now, take the God-made thing that we call ‘human being’ apart. A human being can be divided forever. But its parts cannot be identified and thus cannot be counted.

Finding the way God has made things is a difficult scientific task. This is why our medical system does not work like it should. Instead of viewing a human being as a God-made whole, our medical system views human beings as Nature-made things. However, Nature-made things are not God-made things. To our medical system, Nature-made things are wholes with countable parts. Accordingly, our medical system and all life sciences must change so they become consistent with monotheism.

I do not understand why many scientists have rejected God when they continue to honor Galileo. Galileo did not reject God. With godly science, he merely challenged the wrong teachings of the Roman Church. Galileo extends all bodies with an infinite number of indivisibles. (See Chapter 6 and its last paragraph in the book ‘Galileo Galilei, and his life and his works‘ by Raymond J. Seeger.) Or merely look at a yardstick. In every inch, you will find an infinite number of points that are separated by indivisibles.

I hope that this blog will encourage U.S. atheistic scientists to reconsider their rejection of God so they can return to the only path of truths in science.

* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.


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