Theological Science* Reveals Theological Inconsistences in Our Thoughts About Monotheism, VIIIb (Economics)
What I have to say about economics begins with the teaching of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, at Chapter 24 of Matthew. In this chapter, Jesus warns us about the darkening of the sun. But for fifteen centuries, Christians did not understand this chapter. When modern science emerged, this teaching became clear after astronomers gained knowledge about stars and their planets with their telescopes. Today, astronomers know that the sun darkens and destroys all of its planets as it dies. So, this teaching of Jesus on the eventual darkening of the sun was true and very important to man.
Using modern words, I say that Jesus told us that humans must build a system that can transport humans and other life forms, which now exist on planet earth, to other planets. Since life likely exists on other planets already, the development of such a transportation system might have been made by earlier humans. Thus, if UFOs were sighted, they should be reported and confirmed because the development of such a transportation system will be a major achievement.
This teaching of Jesus and the development of such a transportation system requires that monotheism be clearly understood, that atheism be defeated, and that a single worldwide culture be developed on planet earth.
In my next blog, I will describe an economic system that fits the future of man and this single worldwide culture.
* Theological science unifies scientific thoughts with people’s thoughts about God.
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