Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Monday, February 16, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXIII (Trickle-down Stimulus v. Trickle-up Stimulus)

The stimulus economics of President Obama is separating the Democrats and Republicans more than ever before. I believe that this separation is becoming wider because the Republicans must defend the economic failures of George W. Bush, his father, and Reagan. This defense is tougher because the economic stimulus of the Clinton administration was a success.

These republican failures can be blamed on a stimulus called the trickle-down stimulus. On the other hand, the success of Clinton is given to a stimulus called the trickle-up stimulus. It is also called the Keynesian economy and was used by President Roosevelt and will be used again by President Obama.

The trickle-down stimulus reduces the taxes of businesses and industry. With no strings attached, the performance of this stimulus depends on how business and industry use their increased profits. The past failures produced by the trickle-down stimulus indicate that this ‘no-strings-attached’ stimulus helps business and industry buy new land, increase salaries and bonuses, etc. But it is not a very effective job-creating stimulus.

The trickle-up stimulus is a job-creating stimulus with strings attached. A attaching strings means that a stimulus has known purposes. Thus, President Obama’s trickle-up stimulus has the purpose of putting people to work on building new infrastructures, such as new schools, new highways, new bridges, new energy to reduce our dependence on oil, etc.

Republicans say that Roosevelt’s stimulus was not successful. Some people say that Roosevelt started the war against Japan to produce more businesses and jobs. Other people say our war with Japan was started by US free traders, who were squeezing Japan out of the world market. Today, President Obama sent Mrs. Clinton to Japan.

The current fights between the Democrats and the Republicans are childish and must be eliminated somehow. My suggestion is to develop their minds so they will understand God.


  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Quantum_Flux said…

    Well, can we then rule out the dot-com boom for Clinton, though? The 90's saw a huge boom because of the internet, perhaps enabled by Clinton's stimulus package and people being able to go out to buy computers and bring in ever increasing computational power into their lives with Microsoft Windows. Information started traveling faster and thereby (esp. online) trends did.

    Now, with Obama's science spending, who knows what the next 8 years will hold, but optimistically it should be pretty good. However, will the repurcusions from Obama's foriegn policies cause bad business overseas or potentially worse trade relations with overseas manufacturers? It does seem to me that Obama's focusing too much on creating domestic productivity is at the expense of blocking the progress of international affairs, how does he control their political reactions to "buy American" and "buy Union Made"?

    Furthermore, how does Obama control the Union agreements with the companies that have to be bailed out? I think that Labor Unions are greedy legalists that really know how to work the system in order to milk tax dollars, at least at present with the bailout of GM whereby the unemployed union members are still getting paid heftily by contract.

  • At 7:58 PM, Blogger Quantum_Flux said…

    Hmmmm, optimistically, Obama should be able to make our American Enginuity work without the consequence of stifling the wellbeing of other countries.

    As far as science goes, do you think that spacetime is infinite in energy/resources or finite in energy/resources, and thereby do you think it is obtainable to have an indefinantly outward going expansion of our population of Earth into space in the future?

    (Our) Galaxy has Billions of Earthlike Planets

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Q_Fs first comment,

    Q_F: Well, can we then rule out the dot-com boom for Clinton, though? The 90's saw a huge boom because of the internet, perhaps enabled by Clinton's stimulus package and people being able to go out to buy computers and bring in ever increasing computational power into their lives with Microsoft Windows. Information started traveling faster and thereby (esp. online) trends did.

    George: By the time George Bush left the White House in 1993, he added another big debt to the huge debt Reagan produced. The, DNA, and and brain research were accelerated by Clinton/Gore. Clinton’s trickle up stimulus zeroed the Reagan and Bush debts.

    Q_F: Now, with Obama's science spending, who knows what the next 8 years will hold, but optimistically it should be pretty good. However, will the repercussions from Obama's foreign policies cause bad business overseas or potentially worse trade relations with overseas manufacturers? It does seem to me that Obama's focusing too much on creating domestic productivity is at the expense of blocking the progress of international affairs, how does he control their political reactions to "buy American" and "buy Union Made"?

    George: Science is failing because scientists reject God. So, Obama can waste lots of science funds. Through my website, I am trying to promote a new science i discovered. I call is ‘theological science.’ It unifies theology and science. I developed over 100 blogs on this new science from 6/6/08 to 1/8/90. Thus, protectionism might be a good idea if the new science is funded. Thus, I like the ideas ‘buy America’ and ‘buy union made.’

    Q_F: Furthermore, how does Obama control the Union agreements with the companies that have to be bailed out? I think that Labor Unions are greedy legalists that really know how to work the system in order to milk tax dollars, at least at present with the bailout of GM whereby the unemployed union members are still getting paid heftily by contract.

    George: Greed is an evil human behavior that is man-made. Without God, greed has been expanding in the USA beyond the ‘big families’ of the 19th century. Today greed is flowing throughout the nation. Only the practice of God will rid a nation of greed. With God, money as an ‘end’ will become as a ’means’ and will no longer be something to hoard. This major change will require a MINDSET change in the USA and all other nations.

  • At 11:05 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    response to Q_Fs second comment,

    Hmmmm, optimistically, Obama should be able to make our American ingenuity to work without the consequence of stifling the well being of other countries.

    George: Like me, Obama is a big believer in God. So, he and I do not want to hurt people in any nation unless the are trying to hurt us. The well being of all humans is a concern of any real believers in God. As godly persons, we know the natural ingenuity of humans, if they are free rather than slaves.

    As far as science goes, do you think that spacetime is infinite in energy/resources or finite in energy/resources, and thereby do you think it is obtainable to have an indefinitely outward going expansion of our population of Earth into space in the future?

    George: I accept Leibniz’s space and time. Space is the order of co-existences and time is the order of successions. All energy is found in the existences and the energy in an existence is finite. The existences form an infinite set of irreducible Spirits. Each Spirit is in each Spirit. This 'inness' become functional relations, which form an infinite set of extended bodies. We can sense them only when the are conceived and alive. We can’t sense these bodies forever because they wear out. So a Spirit is conceived, develops, and passing on. This is a continuous and never ending process.


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