Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXXXXIII (A Nation Under God, XIX)

In my last blog I showed that two different economic policies are currently used by the Republicans and Democrats to turn the U.S. economy away from a potential depression and high unemployment. The Republican policy expects to expand the ‘free market’ whereas the Democratic policy expects to expand the ‘ State and local infrastructures.’

I believe that these two economic policies can be used continuously because they are partners and are not related logically as if they cannot coexist. I view these two policies as one thing, that is, just as I view a rose bud that coexists with its infrastructure of roots, stems, and leaves. If these economics policies are unified, the Republican policy would serve people of the ‘here and now’ and the ‘wants and needs’ of their life. On the other hand, the Democratic policy would serve people of the ‘future’ and the wants and needs of the same people. By unifying these economic policies, Congress must change its debate by debating over the contents of the ‘free market’ and ‘State and local infrastructures.’

If these two economic policies are unified, the very rich class and big central banks will slowly fade away and the national self government and its representatives of the people would become the only source of capital in the capitalism of the USA. With this change, local banks, and the people it serves, would become an expression of ‘all godly Spirits in the USA.’ Stated slightly differently, the U.S. economy would no longer function as the primary cause of life in the USA. Instead, the people of the USA would return to the founding documents and the nation would again become a nation under God.


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