Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Remaking America by George Shollenberger, Idea XXXXXXXXXVI (A Nation Under God, XXII)

In this blog, I expand my thoughts more showing that Judge Sotomayor should be rejected. I also offer a theory that explains why Justice Roberts did not respond to my August 2, 2007 paper on ‘The Declaration of Independence and the New 1776 Political Experiment.’ (This paper was posted on this website on the same date.)

On this website, I have said often that the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence form a law because it defines our Society, which is the first party of the two-party social contract of John Locke. The second party in Locke’s social contract theory is Government. Society and Government were thus used by our founders to form the USA and its New 1776 Political Experiment.

However, in order to follow the teaching of the Catholic Church and the Pope, every catholic judge in the U.S. Supreme Court must argue that the Declaration of Independence has only one authority, the authority to go to war against England. Thus, this catholic argument does not accept the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence as a second authority, that is, the authority to form the Society defined by John Locke. This catholic argument shows how the U.S. Supreme Court was able to eliminate the Declaration of Independence from the U.S. body of laws.

Why does any catholic judge want to eliminate the Declaration of Independence from the U.S. body of laws? The answer is that the statement in the Declaration of Independence --- all Men are created equal --- is opposed to catholic teachings.

Catholic teachings say that humans are not equal. So the Pope, Saints, and Jesus Christ are thought to be created specially by God. In the case of Jesus Christ, Jesus is given birth through a woman, who is called the Virgin Mary. President Bush, who nominated Justice Roberts, said that his presidency was ‘blessed.’ Did Roberts teach Bush about inequalities? Also, it seems that the catholic teaching of inequality is used to rationalize child molestations.

This catholic teaching is not accepted by Protestant churches, Jews, Muslims, and the Eastern Christians. Further, there is no scientific evidence that supports this ugly catholic teaching. Furthermore, Jesus Christ taught self-knowledge in the Gospel of Thomas. Christ’s self-knowledge is opposed to this catholic teaching.

Congress must reject Judge Sotomayor. It must make the above catholic teaching unlawful. And it must recover the laws in the first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence.


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