The Eternal Life of Humans

Now, read the Nicine Creed in a good Christian liturgy. In the Creed, the concepts 'Father' and 'Son' represent the being of God. These two concepts form the eternal generation of God. In science, God's eternal generation is known as 'One and Equality of One.' In the third paragraph of the Creed, we find the phrase '... Who proceedeth from the Father and Son.' This phrase means that the Father and Son forms a Union and extends itself in order to form other things. Thus, the Union unites the Father and Son so that God can act and create other things. The unity of these three concepts is known as the Christian Trinity. On this subject, I believe that Christianity is the most advanced scientific religion.
In my book on, 'The First Scientific Proof of God,' I add to the Christian Trinity. In Part IIb, Ch. 1, I connect the concepts One-Equality-Union to our world. This permanent connection is made by contracting the concepts, One-Equality-Union , using logic. Thus, One-Equality-Union proceeds to the opposing concepts, many-different-related. These opposing concepts co-exist and form things in our universe. I have found three more co-existing concepts and am asking people to help. I discuss these three concepts in my August 12, 2010 blog.
With a permanent connection of God to our world, I concluded that all humans live after death. I also say that this life after death is now scientifically proven. Because of this new proof, I suggest that all world leaders meet so that they can discuss the way to give the best life to all people in the world. I make this suggestion because God has given both independence and its opposite, dependence, to all humans. So, man's freedom is not absolute. By solving this pair of opposites, I see peace. But with no solution, I see only more wars.
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