Perfecting Rural America

To form a more perfect union, the union must be a whole that varies. For this whole to exist and vary, God is necessary and must have made this whole. However, a varying whole is unable to achieve absolute perfection because only God is absolutely maximum in all ways. Since God's perfection is absolutely maximum, only God can measure precisely the perfection of this varying whole. So, to measure the perfection of this varying whole, man must must rely on relative measurements. For example, this parts of this varying whole can be compared annually. Since the performance of the USA is oscillating, 'change' is urgent.
The U.S. government does not obey a second mandate in the Declaration of Independence. This mandate says. ' that all Men are created equal.' Since equality is absolutely maximum only in God, the equality in 'all Men' must be 'as maximal as possible.' Obviously, this mandate has been misinterpreted by the Supreme Court because the difference of 'all Men'' has become maximal. Change is also necessary.
These changes came because the Supreme Court opened the gate for atheism. With its rulings, the Supreme Court brought a drug culture, a helpless Congress, a degenerating field of science, wars, and a crazy monetary system. This court has filled our costly land with homelessness, ghettos, suburbs, one-company towns, and a rural America of many people who only 'hope to die. This filling and increasingly cost of land is a form of mental illness in government and politics.
Today, we know that life exists after death. We also know that life is continuous But God prevented us from knowing each life. So only each life is knowable. The performance of any government must thus make a life of equality for all citizens. Rebuilding rural America with free land and equaity is a necessity of the future.
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