Western Christians Are Teaching Falsities About Jesus Christ

In 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea different views of Jesus were expressed as follows: (1) Jesus is a created angel who is other than the God who made all things; (2) Jesus is inferior to God; (3) Jesus does and says only what God willed; (4) Jesus is a separate substance compared to the substance of God; (5) Jesus is not equal to the one true and only God; (6) Jesus is a creature; (7) Jesus is the Son who is next to the Father; and (8) Jesus is different from God. These statements are found on page 125 of my book, 'The First Scientific Proof of God.' In these eight statements, statement (7) is accepted by Western Christians. The other seven statements are accepted by Eastern Christians.
Today, Western Christians say that Jesus Christ is 'the only Son of God.' This statement is found in the Nicene and Apostle's' Creeds. However, this belief has divided Western Christians from Muslims and Eastern Christians. This belief is false and should be corrected by Western Christians. The first step is to correct the meanings of ancient symbols so they can be used correctly in a modern scientific world.
In my blog yesterday, I show that God is a thing; that God's Intelligent Design (or creation )is recognized by us through the concepts One, Equality of One, and Union; and that God's thingness is incomprehensible. God proceeds to create by contracting the concepts 'One, Equality of One, and Union' in order to form 'many, different, and related' things that form the Universe.
In Bk. I, Ch. 2 of his book 'On Learned Ignorance,' Bishop Nicholas of Cusa identifies three maximums. The first one is the absolute maximum of God. The second maximum is the contracted maximum of the Universe. The third maximum is the contracted maximum of individual. Cusa described this individual as a human who is most greatly, most perfectly,, and goal seeking. Then, in Bk. III, Ch. 4 of his book Cusa writes, 'Blessed Jesus, who is God and man, is the contracted maximum individual.' Western Christians seem to be using these 15th century words of Cusa to support the belief that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God. I conclude that the purpose of these words is to elevate the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ to the level of God. However, these words are inconsistent with an incomprehensible God.
It is time for religions to prove their beliefs scientifically. If proofs cannot be presented, it is time to stop selling beliefs to poorly educated citizens.
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