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any believers in God say that they will go either to Heaven or Hell after death. Such believers have held this belief until modern science found that the stars in the evening sky are moving. This finding led to the conclusion that Heaven and Hell do not exist. This finding of modern science led many people to become atheists, who believe that life does not exist after death. The decision to become an atheistic was poor, as I show below.
In my book on 'The First Scientific Proof of God' and in this five-year old website, you will learn that God does exist, that you do have life after death, that your life is eternal, and that Heaven and Hell cannot be found by our best scientists. To learn more about modern thinking about God, I suggest that you read all of the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament because his teachings are delightfully modern.
To learn more about what happens to you after you die, I suggest that you turn to Saint Matthew, Chapter 5. At verse 18, Jesus says that heaven and earth will not pass until all laws are fulfilled. Since we know today that God is eternal, the laws will never end and heaven and earth will never pass. So, your life is eternal.
Now, turn your eyes to verse 19. & 20. In verse 20, Jesus teaches righteousness. At your death, God's wisdom will guide your soul. In verse 19, Jesus says that God can place your soul either into the least kingdom of heaven or into the great kingdom of heaven. But God can guide your soul back to the place you died. Thus, all people will be reborn. But only righteous people will enter the kingdom of heaven at the 'least' kingdom level, where on can advance and grow to the great kingdom, which is the most beautiful planet in the universe. Only those atheists who become believers will see these kingdoms.
The thoughts of Jesus are excellent because he was intelligent to concluded, with his sword, that nations divide people naturally by developing arbitrary rights. People in such a nation are not wanted in the least and great kingdoms of heaven. The U.S. political division in government is an example of the development of arbitrary rights. Th least and great kingdoms of heaven are the godly heavens. These heavens are the ones that I am seeking.
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