Scientific Proof of God, A New and Modern Bible, and Coexisting Relations of God and the Universe

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dark Matter

At this time, two forms of 'dark matter' are proposed as a theory. One form is presented by scientists who do not believe in God. This dark matter is proposed by atheists because they believe that the universe had a beginning, deletes its energy, and comes to an end. (To read about this form of dark matter, click) At this time, the U.S. government funds this theory.

The other form of dark energy is presented by theological scientists who believe in God. The 'Big Thinkers' on this dark matter are theologian scientists such as Abraham, Moses, Anaxagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Jesus Christ, Anselm, Nicholas of Cusa, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Gottfried Leibniz, Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupetuis, Ben Franklin, Bernhard Riemann, Georg Cantor, Ernst Cassirer, Suzanne Langer, Kenneth Burke, and Lyndon LaRouche.This dark energy consists of all indivisible things that are created and unified by God. This dark energy came from God, when God contracted some of His attributed by plurality and finitude. Thus, this theory says that the universe had no beginning and has no end. At this time, the U.S. government does not fund this theory.

The U.S. government does not fund the believers in God because it cannot establish a religion. However, governmental funding of a theory of God does not establish a religion. So, the U.S. government has been making a major error for a long time because 'research in theologies' are not 'practicing or establishing a religion.' When are the citizens of the USA going to wake up and become honest?


  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger odrareg said…

    Government people are reluctant to fund anything that is in any way backed by Christians, because they fear the frowns of atheist scientists who will object in the name of the separation of church and state, and will go all the way to the federal Supreme Court -- and government people fear that this last bastion of what is allowed and what not allowed in the USA will side with atheist scientists.

    So, in this respect atheists have won to insure the expulsion of God from the US government.

    What to do?

    Get the US Supreme Court to decide that belief in God is in itself no obstruction whatever to the advancement of science, which decision requires that this court declares a concept of God which is not of the Christian faith or of any religious worldview whatever, but simply that its concept of God is the complete ultimate explanation for everything that exists and operates in the actual objective reality of existing things.

    Marius Dejess

  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger George Shollenberger said…

    Response to Marius Dejeess,

    Google has been changing its blogging system. So, I am not always receiving my comments regular. Accordingly, I am sorry to respond so late.

    Your comments about the Supreme Court are sound because it does not want to interfere with religions.

    Since I conclude that Jesus was an early scientist and had spent lots of time in Greece on the theories of Plato and Anaxagoras, my interpretations of the teachings of Jesus are very different.

    Soon, I will attack the Supreme Court again because I view school prayers as science.



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